Monday, May 4, 2009

Do I Need A Greenhouse?

When you read about hydroponics, most of the time you see big greenhouses with a lot of technology, people in white coats, and automated operations. Although you can have that in a small scale if you want, it really is much simpler.

Hydroponics has been around for hundreds of years, and believe me, there where no automatic greenhouses back then. A greenhouse can be a great investment, if you have the time and budget to build one, but seems a little bit of an overkill if you just want to test hydroponics.

After all, if it is supposed to be a simple technique, there should be no big deal to start a small hydroponic system at home. A greenhouse will be great, but it is not strictly necessary. Unless you live in a region with very harsh weather, you will be ok. Besides, having a greenhouse brings other considerations, like automation and maintenance.

If you are thinking about that, also consider that a greenhouse can also be a simple thing. Yes, you may want to have those automated beauties that you see on photos and magazines, but that will raise your costs dramatically.

That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have a greenhouse; people use them because they are cost effective and, if properly managed, can be a very good thing.

The point is that having a greenhouse is not a must. It can be a bonus, but for now you can start simple. Just pick a plant you like and be ready to see it grow. I will recommend tomatoes, since they are sturdy, grow fast and have many uses.

So, if you are waiting for a greenhouse to start, wait no more. Most of the plants will be ok without it and you can “get your feet wet” before you make any big investments. After all, you want hydroponics to be a good experience and not a big mistake. It’s not my advice to be cheap, but it’s an option. Also, you can save that money to invest in a good book, special seeds or high end nutrient solutions.

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